Monday, November 17, 2008

Journal 5

I firmly believe that I’m an active person. I have frequently heard that I’m easy to get acquainted with me. As a result, there are many friends around of me. Because I’m a chatterbox, I love having a pleasant time in coffee shop with my friends. During that time, I share my daily story as well as my friends’ one. By doing this, I’m able to become intimate with each other. Nevertheless I like such time, I love having my alone time, too. Occasionally, I have heard that I am unique person because of my peculiar behaviors. I have alone time as much as have a playing time with my friends. Perhaps, I want to have my recharge time that I can sleep, think, and recover my composure. There was episode that for a time, I turned off my cell phone for 3 months. During the time, I cut connection with my friends, and I concentrated on my study. As a result, I could enter into graduate school and I could have satisfaction by my self. So, alone time is very important for me. Because, it is another opportunity time and it's only my time. For my human relationships and my self, what I have alone time is essential, and I love it. If there are people who don't like have alone time, I strongly suggest that having the time for them self.

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